Sunday, June 1, 2008

Knuth and Knuth's humor

我第一天去见我的研究生导师,他给了我一套Donald E. Knuth的 “The Art of Computer Programming”,让我先读了这本书再说。

《计算机程序设计艺术》重译自Donald E. Knuth(汉名高德纳)的三卷著作:"The Art of Computer Programming: 1. Fundamental Algorithms; 2. Seminumerical Algorithms; 3. Sorting and Searching";三卷中文名为《基本算法》、《半数值算法》及《排序与查找》。


作者D. E. Knuth是在计算机学界十分著名的学者,在本领域享有很高权威和盛名,他的这部著作是无数计算机专业人员的学习教材和参考读物,也是许多专业研究工作者经常阅读的经典,已被翻译为几十种文字在世界各地出版,英文原版书已经是第11次印刷。

该书1999年底被American Scientist列为20世纪最佳12部学术专著之一(与狄拉克的量子力学、爱因斯坦的相对论、曼德布罗特的分形论、鲍林的化学键、罗素和怀特海德的数学基础、冯诺意曼和摩根斯坦的博弈论、维纳的控制论、伍德沃和霍夫曼的轨道对称性、费曼的量子电动力学等科学史上的经典著作并列)。

Donald E. Knuth,1938年出生于Wisconsin。1960年,当他毕业于Case Institute of Technology数学系时,因为成绩过于出色,被校方打破历史惯例,同时授予学士和硕士学位。他随即进入大名鼎鼎的加州理工学院数学系,仅用三年时间便取得博士学位,此时年仅25岁。

毕业后留校任助理教授,28岁时升为副教授。30岁时,加盟斯坦福大学计算机系,任正教授。从31岁那年起,他开始出版他的历史性经典巨著:The Art of Computer Programming。他计划共写7卷,然而仅仅出版三卷之后,已经震惊世界,使他获得计算机科学界的最高荣誉Turing Award,此时,他年仅36岁。后来,此书与牛顿的“自然哲学的数学原理”等一起,被评为“世界历史上最伟大的十种科学著作”之一。相信学过数据结构和编译原理的人都知道KMP算法和LR(K)算法有多么不可思议,然而此书中这样的算法比比皆是!




Knuth is a famous programmer known for his professional humor.

One of Knuth's reward checksHe pays a finder's fee of $2.56 for any typographical errors or mistakes discovered in his books, because "256 pennies is one hexadecimal dollar". (His bounty for errata in 3:16 Bible Texts Illuminated, is, however, $3.16). According to an article in MIT's Technology Review, these reward checks are "among computerdom's most prized trophies".

Version numbers of his TeX software approach the transcendental number π, that is versions increment in the style 3, 3.1, 3.14 and so on. Version numbers of Metafont approach the number e similarly.

He once warned users of his software, "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it.

All appendices in the Computers and Typesetting series have titles that begin with the letter identifying the appendix.

TAOCP v3 (Second Edition) has the index entry "Royalties, use of, 407". Page 407 has no explicit mention of royalties, but however does contain a diagram of an "organ-pipe arrangement" in Figure 2. Apparently the purchase of the pipe organ in his home was financed by royalties from TAOCP.(In the first edition of the work, the relevant page is 405.)

From the Preface of Concrete Mathematics: When Knuth taught Concrete Mathematics at Stanford for the first time, he explained the somewhat strange title by saying that it was his attempt to teach a math course that was hard instead of soft. He announced that, contrary to the expectations of some of his colleagues, he was not going to teach the Theory of Aggregates, nor Stone's Embedding Theorem, nor even the Stone-Čech compactification. (Several students from the civil engineering department got up and quietly left the room.)

Knuth published his first "scientific" article in a school magazine in 1957 under the title "Potrzebie System of Weights and Measures." In it, he defined the fundamental unit of length as the thickness of MAD magazine #26, and named the fundamental unit of force "whatmeworry". MAD magazine bought the article and published it in the #33 June 1957 issue.

Knuth's first "mathematical" article was a short paper submitted to a "science talent search" contest for high-school seniors in 1955, and published in 1960, in which he discussed number systems where the radix was negative. He further generalized this to number systems where the radix was a complex number. In particular, he defined the quater-imaginary number system, which uses the imaginary number 2i as the base, having the unusual feature that every complex number can be represented with the digits 0, 1, 2, and 3, without a sign.

Knuth's article about computational complexity of songs was reprinted twice in computer science journals.

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