Thursday, May 17, 2012


传统犹太教与基督教认为创世记的作者是摩西。但是,现代西方学者认为创世记是由三本书合并起来——耶和华文献、伊罗兴文献和祭司文献。耶和华文献(The Jahwist),简称J典、或耶典,是公元前950年左右在犹大王国写成的。伊罗兴文献(The Elohist),简称E典、或伊典,是公元前850年左右在以色列王国写成的。祭司文献(Priestly Book),简称P典、或祭司典,是公元前450年左右,在以色列人从巴比伦回归后写成的。约公元前400年,一位抄写者把这些书合并成一本书。这种说法被学者叫做文本说。


从历史学家的角度:公元前1000年左右, 大概有三百年时间,


Immanuel Sun said...

These are but recent theories that formed by the scholar's who enjoys no spiritual revelation or power. Most don't even believe in the idea that God can speak to man.

I certainly would encourage you to seek God not with your mind, but with your gentle heart and truthful curiosity.

Human intellect is most the deceitful thing. It is always a hugh hindrance (veil) to spiritual truths.

Speaking as a friend. Bring blunt....:)

BTW, how are you doing recently. Best to yours...:)

Immanuel Sun said...

So sorry for the typos. Go figure...:)