Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Loop


The Loop (historically Union Loop) is the two mile circuit of elevated railroad that forms the hub of the 'L' rapid transit system in Chicago, Illinois. The Loop is so named because the railroad loops around a rectangle formed by Lake Street (north side), Wabash Avenue (east), Van Buren Street (south), and Wells Street (west). The surrounding area is also known as The Loop community area. Numerous accounts assert that the use of this term predates the elevated railroad, deriving from the multiple cable car turntables, or loops, that terminated in the district, and especially those of two lines that shared a loop, constructed in 1882, bounded by Madison, Wabash, State, and Lake. However, after extensive research of the issue, transportation historian Bruce Moffat concluded that "the Loop" was not used as a proper noun until after Charles Yerkes' 1895–97 construction of the elevated hub.
慢慢的,这个词的涵义延伸了。Loop不再单只这种车,而成了芝加哥downtown 的代名词。

西奥多·德莱赛(Theodore Herman Albert Dreise)《欲望三部曲》(Trilogy of Desire)中的《巨人》(The Titan)(1914年)是以Charles Yerkes为蓝本的。这Charles Yerkes为何许人?

Charles Yerkes1837年 出生于费城,17岁在一家谷物交易所打工,22岁自己开了一家交易所,并加入了费城的股票交易所。1871年的芝加哥大火引起了股市的混乱,他的生意失败不说,还因为无法在限期内还钱,被判了33个月的徒刑,进了监狱。

常言道:从那里跌倒了,就从那里爬起来。Charles Yerkes出狱后,离了大房,娶了小二,搬到芝加哥,重振旗鼓。


渐渐的,他控制了芝加哥北部和西部的公交线。但是,至死,他也没能将Loop拿下来。后来,有人说,幸亏他没实现他的理想,否则,芝加哥就不会有悬挂在市中心天空中的街车了。芝加哥人开他的玩笑时就说,Loop是Charles Yerkes对芝加哥做出的最大贡献。


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