有些书是常读的,特别是诗。而且,只在某个季节读某个诗人。那些美丽的忧伤的诗句带着诗人的气息,体温和颜色,在我平常的日子里悠来晃去,和我一起坐车,逛街,洗衣烧饭,成为风景,天气和心情。比如,冬天读普希金,阿赫瑪托娃,俄罗斯白雪茫茫的大地,圣彼得堡穿皮衣长靴的漂亮女人就在炉火里暖和起来了。夏天读洛尔卡,就会想起西班牙残阳如血的黄昏里奔跑的野牛,热情饱满斜眼睛的卡门。春天读海子,面向大海,春暖花开,十个海子全部复活,而秋天呢?我读Mark Strand。
And my father, hunched over the oars,
brought us in. I watched him,
rapt in his effort, rowing against the tide,
his blond hair glistening with salt.
I saw the slick spillage of moonlight
being blown over his shoulders,
and the sea and spindrift
suddenly silver.
The hands were yours, the arms were yours,
But you were not there.
The eyes were yours, but they were closed and would not open.
The distant sun was there.
The moon poised on the hill's white shoulder was there.
The wind on Bedford Basin was there.
The pale green light of winter was there.
Your month was there,
But you were not there.
In the garden suspended in time
my mother sits in a redwood chair:
light fills the sky,
the folds of her dress,
the roses tangled beside her.
And when my father bends
to whisper in her ear,
when they rise to leave
and the swallows dart
and the moon and stars
have drifted off together, it shines.
Enter the kingdom of rot,
smell the damp plaster, step over the shattered glass,
the pockets of dust, the rags, the soiled remains of a mattress,
look at the rusted stove and sink, at the rectangular stain
on the wall where Winslow Homer’s Gulf Stream hung.
听过他朗诵自己的“From the Long Sad Party ”:
Someone was saying
something about shadows covering the field, about
how things pass, how one sleeps towards morning
and the morning goes.
Someone was saying
how the wind dies down but comes back,
how shells are the coffins of wind
but the weather continues.
My son
my only son,
the one I never had,
would be a man today.
“The trees bend in the bleak tropical wind.”
“The wind comes from opposite poles,
traveling slowly. ”
“man in her room writing a poem, the moon drifting into it,
a woman strolling under its trees, thinking of death,
thinking of him thinking of her, and the wind rising
and taking the moon and leaving the paper dark.”
回到家也就7点多,可是,天已经全黑了。看到我的红色的房子在巨大的夜色里闪着一点点黄色的灯光,一只无家可归的野猫卷缩在草地上,觉得秋天才是我的季节。夏天太明亮,太喧哗了。而落叶和冷风,使我想到家乡,诗歌和情人。而Mark Strand, 就是我的秋风中的诗人吧。
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