Tuesday, October 13, 2009


哈哈,上网就要打架 :-)




满地黄花堆积。憔悴损,如今有谁堪摘?守着窗儿,独自怎生得黑?梧桐更兼细雨,到黄昏, 点点滴滴。这次第,怎一个、愁字了得!


没想到,这首词在以后的百千年里,竟然家喻户晓,老少皆知。更没想到,在一个叫什么伊甸的乐园里, 有两位先生为此打架。 他们好像也是中国人, 说着我听不太懂的中文,却非要把我的词用另一种语言写出来,这种语言有点像我研究过的金石,所以我大概还能看懂。

他们把各自的译本贴在伊甸园里后, 就开始打架, 一个人非要骂另一个人。围观的老百姓说, 那干吗不让李清照自己看看, 问她喜欢谁的译本?

我仔细看了后, 觉得廖康大人虽然语言华美, 还加了很多一般人不常说的之乎者也, 却根本不像我写的词, 第一句就让我起了一身鸡皮, 他说:

多么冷啊, 多么孤独啊,多么。。。。。


廖康说老逸士英文不好, 也许吧。 可是老逸士的翻译却象是我写的,第一句我就喜欢,虽说钢硬一点。我虽然悲苦,却不哀怨,更不痛哭流涕。老逸士有一种风骨,和我很像。他还把我那种苍凉入骨的无奈翻出来了。我写词时特别讨厌之乎者也,只用最通俗简单的字,最直接的生活用语。


我特别喜欢老逸士的这几句, 简单直接,我就是这个意思:

Two or three cups of light wine, how to fend the evening wind so strong?
The wild geese pass─I feel heart-broken─since they are my old acquaintance.

All over the ground the yellow flowers in heaps.
Languished as I am, who will now pick them?



Seek, seek; lonely, quiet; doleful, rueful, woeful.
When it just turns warm, but still cold, it’s hardest to have a rest full.
Two or three cups of light wine, how to fend the evening wind so strong?
The wild geese pass—I feel heart-broken—since they are my old acquaintance.

All over the ground the yellow flowers in heaps.
Languished as I am, who will now pick them?
Keeping myself at the window, how can I fare alone till nightfall?
Chinese parasol, plus drizzles on it, dripping and dripping;
At this moment, what can I do with the word “sorrow”?


Requiem Chaconne

How cold, how lonely, how sad,
How miserable, how dreary!
Now a little warmth, then again it’s freezing.
Comfort, where can I find thee?
To drown myself in some wine?
How can my washy wine defeat the wind so chilly?
A forlorn wild goose flying by,
Thou art but my time-worn companion of misery.

Yellow petals covering the ground,
Withered and wasted, whose vase will need them?
Withered, too, I alone waiting by the window,
How can I kill the time with this requiem
Accompanied by the drizzle,
Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat, on the parasol-shaped tree’s leaves and stem,
From dawn to dusk?
At such a time, how can a single word “sorrowful” describe my diem!

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