一种沉浸于文字和诗行深处的宁静、孤独与忧伤,令我想起Tomas Transtromer的几行诗:
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Andrew Wyeth
"With watercolour, you can pick up the atmosphere, the temperature, the sound of snow shifting through the trees or over the ice of a small pond or against a windowpane. Watercolour perfectly expresses the free side of my nature." - Andrew Wyeth
我在看几本书,主要是2000年发生在比利时Antwerp的历史上最大的钻石偷窃案,和1990年发生在波士顿 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum,至今未破的历史上最大的艺术偷窃案。
还有一本Great Bear of Wall Street Jesse Lauriston Livermore的书。
我在看几本书,主要是2000年发生在比利时Antwerp的历史上最大的钻石偷窃案,和1990年发生在波士顿 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum,至今未破的历史上最大的艺术偷窃案。
还有一本Great Bear of Wall Street Jesse Lauriston Livermore的书。
读书笔记---Diamond history
The history of Antwerp as the World Diamond Center is a very fascinating and long one, too long to tell the whole story, but too marvellous to exclude you completely from it! We would like to give you therefore an insight into this brilliant history.
We shall probably never know when the first diamonds were discovered, but we do know that, from ancient times until the eighteenth century, all the world’s diamonds came from India. From the time of the Roman Empire until the arrival of the first Europeans in India at the beginning of the sixteenth century, trade relations flourished between Europe and Eastern Asia. One of the two principal diamond trade routes passed through Venice.
The city became the most important mercantile republic in the western world. It enjoyed a monopoly of the diamond trade on its way to the main towns of southern Germany up to its final destination in Bruges. Lying as it did at the far end of the trade route, Bruges gradually developed into a flourishing diamond-cutting center and the city’s reputation in this field steadily increased with time. Although Bruges maintained its pre-eminent position up to the end of the fourteenth century, within fifty years it began to decline because of the silting of the Zwin.
The diamond trade, along with Bruge’s many other economic activities, gradually shifted to the city of Antwerp which offered newer and better facilities for communications and exchange.
Antwerp was in the sixteenth century an expanding and flourishing city. By this time Antwerp already played a determining role in the development of diamond-working techniques . It is significant, for example, that Francois I did not call on the diamond cutters of Paris but placed his orders instead with the craftsmen of Antwerp.
Antwerp was at that time the commercial heart of Europe; approximately 40 % of the world trade passed through its port. Naturally the diamond occupied a favoured place. However the northern Netherlands’s growing proportion on its business was acquired by Amsterdam. Antwerp’s decline did not occur overnight and despite internal struggles such as the conflict between the New Guild of Diamond Cutters and the rich merchants, the city’s prestige remained apparently intact up to the middle of the seventeenth century and the diamond trade itself continued to flourish
At the end of the seventeenth century, Amsterdam came to the fore. It was a privileged city that offered religious and civil liberty and, up to the eighteenth century, it came to exercise a near monopoly not only on the diamond industry but also on the trade in diamonds. From then on Amsterdam supplied Antwerp in rough diamonds and, since the Dutch city kept the best stones for its own diamond cutters, Antwerp was obliged to make do with diamonds of inferior quality. Far from being discouraged, the Antwerp craftsmen took advantage of these rather difficult years and managed to transform small and mediocre stones into finely worked gems.
In 1866 the first diamond was discovered in South Africa. This discovery, followed a few years later by that of the Kimberley deposits and the fabulous Kimberley era and the rise of the now-famous De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. resulted in large-scale prospecting and mining activities which brought Europe massive supplies of rough diamonds. This massive influx of rough stones following the discoveries in South Africa was instrumental in contributing to the city’s status of Antwerp as the world’s leading diamond centre. Within a few months, this massive influx provided work for thousands of craftsmen , and the swift revival of diamond cutting in Antwerp was further stimulated by an ever-growing demand for gemstones.
The depression of the 1930s hit the diamond trade hard. The cutting shops were sometimes shut down completely for several weeks at a time. The situation remained difficult until the outbreak of the Second World War. In 1939 many Jewish businessmen fled the country and went to the United States, Portugal or England, where more than 500 diamond dealers from Antwerp, continued to meet and to do business.
In an attempt to save as much of the existing diamond stocks as possible from the Germans, the 500 dealers in England transferred the diamonds there. In agreement with the British government, an organisation known as the Correspondence Office for the Diamond Industry was set up to register the diamonds and keep them for the duration of the war. Thanks to this organisation large quantities of diamonds were returned to their owners after the city was liberated and the Antwerp diamond industry got off to a promising start when the war was ended.
We shall probably never know when the first diamonds were discovered, but we do know that, from ancient times until the eighteenth century, all the world’s diamonds came from India. From the time of the Roman Empire until the arrival of the first Europeans in India at the beginning of the sixteenth century, trade relations flourished between Europe and Eastern Asia. One of the two principal diamond trade routes passed through Venice.
The city became the most important mercantile republic in the western world. It enjoyed a monopoly of the diamond trade on its way to the main towns of southern Germany up to its final destination in Bruges. Lying as it did at the far end of the trade route, Bruges gradually developed into a flourishing diamond-cutting center and the city’s reputation in this field steadily increased with time. Although Bruges maintained its pre-eminent position up to the end of the fourteenth century, within fifty years it began to decline because of the silting of the Zwin.
The diamond trade, along with Bruge’s many other economic activities, gradually shifted to the city of Antwerp which offered newer and better facilities for communications and exchange.
Antwerp was in the sixteenth century an expanding and flourishing city. By this time Antwerp already played a determining role in the development of diamond-working techniques . It is significant, for example, that Francois I did not call on the diamond cutters of Paris but placed his orders instead with the craftsmen of Antwerp.
Antwerp was at that time the commercial heart of Europe; approximately 40 % of the world trade passed through its port. Naturally the diamond occupied a favoured place. However the northern Netherlands’s growing proportion on its business was acquired by Amsterdam. Antwerp’s decline did not occur overnight and despite internal struggles such as the conflict between the New Guild of Diamond Cutters and the rich merchants, the city’s prestige remained apparently intact up to the middle of the seventeenth century and the diamond trade itself continued to flourish
At the end of the seventeenth century, Amsterdam came to the fore. It was a privileged city that offered religious and civil liberty and, up to the eighteenth century, it came to exercise a near monopoly not only on the diamond industry but also on the trade in diamonds. From then on Amsterdam supplied Antwerp in rough diamonds and, since the Dutch city kept the best stones for its own diamond cutters, Antwerp was obliged to make do with diamonds of inferior quality. Far from being discouraged, the Antwerp craftsmen took advantage of these rather difficult years and managed to transform small and mediocre stones into finely worked gems.
In 1866 the first diamond was discovered in South Africa. This discovery, followed a few years later by that of the Kimberley deposits and the fabulous Kimberley era and the rise of the now-famous De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. resulted in large-scale prospecting and mining activities which brought Europe massive supplies of rough diamonds. This massive influx of rough stones following the discoveries in South Africa was instrumental in contributing to the city’s status of Antwerp as the world’s leading diamond centre. Within a few months, this massive influx provided work for thousands of craftsmen , and the swift revival of diamond cutting in Antwerp was further stimulated by an ever-growing demand for gemstones.
The depression of the 1930s hit the diamond trade hard. The cutting shops were sometimes shut down completely for several weeks at a time. The situation remained difficult until the outbreak of the Second World War. In 1939 many Jewish businessmen fled the country and went to the United States, Portugal or England, where more than 500 diamond dealers from Antwerp, continued to meet and to do business.
In an attempt to save as much of the existing diamond stocks as possible from the Germans, the 500 dealers in England transferred the diamonds there. In agreement with the British government, an organisation known as the Correspondence Office for the Diamond Industry was set up to register the diamonds and keep them for the duration of the war. Thanks to this organisation large quantities of diamonds were returned to their owners after the city was liberated and the Antwerp diamond industry got off to a promising start when the war was ended.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
其实,我喜欢看Bachmann讲演。我喜欢她雄赳赳的高扬斗志,因为我自己是个消极颓废的人,所以特别欣赏干劲冲天的女人。我自己是个内向的人,极不愿意在公众面前说三道四,所以看见那些滔滔不绝,高腔大嗓的女人,就很有兴趣想去研究她内在的动力。每每听到她自信的开口成河,而于我都是胡说八道的浑话时,总是不禁地想:Where is come from?
今天,看报纸说,Bachmann很爱读书。每当她去海边休假时,总是“When I go on vacation and I lay on the beach, I bring Von Mises.”
嘿嘿,难怪我总是觉得这人走火入魔了呢。谁在海边读Von Mises?
谁是Von Mises呢?
路德维希·冯·米塞斯(Ludwig von Mises, 1881年9月29日-1973年10月10日),知名的经济学家,现代自由意志主义运动的主要影响人,也是促长古典自由主义复苏的学者。他还被誉为是“奥地利经济学派的院长”。
第一:金本位。米塞斯主张对于货币的需求纯粹是出自于它能用以购买其他货物的功能而产生的,而非为了货币本身的目的,也因此任何在没有黄金支撑下对于货币供给的扩张都会导致商业周期(Business cycle)。
第二:主张社会主义在经济上必然会失败,因为经济计算问题(economic calculation problem)注定了社会主义的政府永远无法正确的计算复杂万分的经济体系,由于失去了价格机制,社会主义政府根本无从得知市场需求的情报,而随之而来的必然是计划的失败和经济的彻底崩溃。
今天,看报纸说,Bachmann很爱读书。每当她去海边休假时,总是“When I go on vacation and I lay on the beach, I bring Von Mises.”
嘿嘿,难怪我总是觉得这人走火入魔了呢。谁在海边读Von Mises?
谁是Von Mises呢?
路德维希·冯·米塞斯(Ludwig von Mises, 1881年9月29日-1973年10月10日),知名的经济学家,现代自由意志主义运动的主要影响人,也是促长古典自由主义复苏的学者。他还被誉为是“奥地利经济学派的院长”。
第一:金本位。米塞斯主张对于货币的需求纯粹是出自于它能用以购买其他货物的功能而产生的,而非为了货币本身的目的,也因此任何在没有黄金支撑下对于货币供给的扩张都会导致商业周期(Business cycle)。
第二:主张社会主义在经济上必然会失败,因为经济计算问题(economic calculation problem)注定了社会主义的政府永远无法正确的计算复杂万分的经济体系,由于失去了价格机制,社会主义政府根本无从得知市场需求的情报,而随之而来的必然是计划的失败和经济的彻底崩溃。
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thank you for sharing your experience! It's always a good idea to sell when you have a loss, because no one can predict future, it's only in hindsight we see a bottom or top. It's this hope of tomorrow's reversal/bottom/top, which always came too late, that kills most traders when they should but hesitate to take the small loss. "First loss is always your best loss!"
Even you sold at the bottom, so what? You have demonstrated discipline by taking actions instead of waiting on hope, you will begin to trust yourself more and you will trade/invest with more confidence, and all you have lost will come back to you many folds! Self-trust and confidence just like discipline are critical in trading.
As I mentioned before trading well by following rules with discipline, not trading profit or loss, should be the standard we use to evaluate ourselves and our trades, because we have no control of how much market is willing to give us, but we do have control of how much to lose.
Our mental state and emotions distort our perceptions, subsequently our judgements and actions, so when you are in a stressful situation, such as job loss, depression, or hospitalization of loved ones, you should liquidate all your positions or buy insurance (puts options) to protect your long term investment. Don't trade with real money until you are in the right mental state. There're always plenty of opportunities to make money in the market, and the market will always be here when you feel better and come back, I promise.
Even you sold at the bottom, so what? You have demonstrated discipline by taking actions instead of waiting on hope, you will begin to trust yourself more and you will trade/invest with more confidence, and all you have lost will come back to you many folds! Self-trust and confidence just like discipline are critical in trading.
As I mentioned before trading well by following rules with discipline, not trading profit or loss, should be the standard we use to evaluate ourselves and our trades, because we have no control of how much market is willing to give us, but we do have control of how much to lose.
Our mental state and emotions distort our perceptions, subsequently our judgements and actions, so when you are in a stressful situation, such as job loss, depression, or hospitalization of loved ones, you should liquidate all your positions or buy insurance (puts options) to protect your long term investment. Don't trade with real money until you are in the right mental state. There're always plenty of opportunities to make money in the market, and the market will always be here when you feel better and come back, I promise.
I have a simple suggestion to you, but whether you have the discipline to do it or not is totally up to you. Here's what you should do:
Next time you watch the charts, find an entry (for example you see a trade on Daily chart around 11 AM) and feel the urge to get in, DO NOT! Resist the urge and leave the computer or shut it down and walk out, go fishing, give your wife a foot massage, or whatever. After one or two hours or any time before market closes, turn your computer on and check the charts, if you saw your trade earlier on a Daily chart, now I want you to look at 20 minutes charts, if you see a pull back AFTER the time you saw your trade (around 11 AM), then you wait, as soon as it turns around or may have already turned around to go your way as your originally entry (price should have broken the trend line you draw on the pull back on 20 min chart), you get in right there. You wait for the next day to get in if price never broke trend line of the pull back on 20 min chart before close today.
After you get in, you only need to check your stock 5-10 minutes before market closes each day (not earlier, not at the open). You must resist the urge to watch market or your stock every hour or during the day. You leave it alone as long as price is above your entry price, or you MUST have the discipline to exit if price fell below your entry price before market closes (not during the day).
If you can do this, particularly if you wait to do a trade only when it aligns with the general market direction (long when general market like DOW, NASDAQ, SP are up; short when market is down), you will win a lot more often than you lose. If your stock is just leaving Bollinger Band as you enter on Daily chart or your trade direction is also with Weekly chart direction and sector/industry direction, you will almost be certain to make money on this trade. If you do this in Nov-Mar and resist the urge to take profit by sitting tight for days and weeks, your proift will higher than you expect.
Before you trade real money, you probably need to paper trade it for a while.
To illustrate my points here's a real example on OII down trade/shorting/puts at 1 PM on 8/18. (I am not recommending this stock, just for illustration purpose)
Weekly chart: price testing 20 MA resistance and 50 MA support but failing now;
Daily chart: gap down and indicate a down trade;
So you move to 21 min. chart: it gapped down at open and pulled back (up) to its 200 MA resistance around $37.3, then around 1 PM price reversed down again to $37 which broke the trendline on the up pull back, you get in right here at round $37!
Next time you watch the charts, find an entry (for example you see a trade on Daily chart around 11 AM) and feel the urge to get in, DO NOT! Resist the urge and leave the computer or shut it down and walk out, go fishing, give your wife a foot massage, or whatever. After one or two hours or any time before market closes, turn your computer on and check the charts, if you saw your trade earlier on a Daily chart, now I want you to look at 20 minutes charts, if you see a pull back AFTER the time you saw your trade (around 11 AM), then you wait, as soon as it turns around or may have already turned around to go your way as your originally entry (price should have broken the trend line you draw on the pull back on 20 min chart), you get in right there. You wait for the next day to get in if price never broke trend line of the pull back on 20 min chart before close today.
After you get in, you only need to check your stock 5-10 minutes before market closes each day (not earlier, not at the open). You must resist the urge to watch market or your stock every hour or during the day. You leave it alone as long as price is above your entry price, or you MUST have the discipline to exit if price fell below your entry price before market closes (not during the day).
If you can do this, particularly if you wait to do a trade only when it aligns with the general market direction (long when general market like DOW, NASDAQ, SP are up; short when market is down), you will win a lot more often than you lose. If your stock is just leaving Bollinger Band as you enter on Daily chart or your trade direction is also with Weekly chart direction and sector/industry direction, you will almost be certain to make money on this trade. If you do this in Nov-Mar and resist the urge to take profit by sitting tight for days and weeks, your proift will higher than you expect.
Before you trade real money, you probably need to paper trade it for a while.
To illustrate my points here's a real example on OII down trade/shorting/puts at 1 PM on 8/18. (I am not recommending this stock, just for illustration purpose)
Weekly chart: price testing 20 MA resistance and 50 MA support but failing now;
Daily chart: gap down and indicate a down trade;
So you move to 21 min. chart: it gapped down at open and pulled back (up) to its 200 MA resistance around $37.3, then around 1 PM price reversed down again to $37 which broke the trendline on the up pull back, you get in right here at round $37!
keep doing what you are doing, you are on the right track. Anyone can become a successful trader and investor if he/she works hard, trust him/herself, and think on his/her own feet – most importantly has discipline and patience to practice and learn every single day (I am not kidding)! Paper trading is essential for practicing your skills even when you are very good at making money. Don't you think Michael Jorden and Tiger Woods made their "practice" at real tournaments or outside them? They practice ten times more outside real competition, it's the same about paper trading.
In three years you will be amazed how much you have grown. The reality is three years later we are all three years older whether we have chosen today to pursue our dreams or not. For those who did choose to they will someday see what the other side looks like; for those who failed to choose, they will never know. God bless!
In three years you will be amazed how much you have grown. The reality is three years later we are all three years older whether we have chosen today to pursue our dreams or not. For those who did choose to they will someday see what the other side looks like; for those who failed to choose, they will never know. God bless!
The story is absolutely real and true. A few years ago one of my friends who know what I do asked me about how to get out of debt and make money trading. To help him out I gave him a list of steps to follow to get rid of debt within a few years. This is exactly the same list my mentor gave to us some time ago. I never used it myself because I don't have any debt and my mortgages have been paid off too. To inspire my friend to embark on a difficult journey to debt free living and possibly financial freedom, I shared with him my own experience and my mentor’s with a few facts I saw first hand - my mentor once made $2 million dollars profit in one single day (true story). But to my surprise my friend thought I was crazy, so I stopped telling people about my mentor and my trading. Most time I am just listening without saying a word when people around me talk about stock market and their investments.
If you think this story over, you will realize as I did that we all see things within our own belief structure we developed over our lifetime, but that belief structure has many blind spots that distort our perceptions and prevent us from seeing many life's possibilities if those possibilities don’t exist in our belief structure. Just think about your beliefs about America before you arrived here for the first time. How many things we would have never believed possible are indeed real and true right in front of our eyes! Making $1 million dollars in a year is impossible in my friend’s belief system, so making $2 million in one single day is of course insane to him! Yet it's a fact and is real, because I was there to witness it that day!
Then I realized that trading is exactly the same. We all see market differently based on our unique belief structure about how market works – not how it really works. Based on our own unique beliefs each of us “saw” the market differently with mental bias we are not even aware of. This is why at every second of every day there's a battle in the market between people who believe price is going up and people who believe price is going down. No amount of technical or fundamental analysis can explain why there are always two opposite sides to every transaction. If you believe you and your analysis are right, then you are basically saying whoever at the opposite side of your trade is wrong. What makes you so sure about that? Only your belief about your analysis (obviously your opposite side believes just the opposite). This will never change - market works the same way as it did a hundred years ago. If you think your analysis and evaluation can consistently find you winning trades, you are thinking in illusions, my friend! Your blind spots have prevented you from seeing many other real market potentials you believe can’t or don’t exist-think again.
Most people take a risk without being consciously aware of their perceptual bias and their own psychological process (I am talking about what triggers your emotions of greed and fear). They enter a trade when they trust their opinions or analysis enough, but they never take time to ask themselves: if analysis really works and can make them money consistently, all stock analysts and Wall Street ph ds would be billionaires by now.
When someone says that there’s no method with over 70% chance of winning, he is thinking like my friend, because he believed strongly enough about what he read and heard regarding the chance of winning in the stock market. The possibility to win over 70% of the time is not in the realm of his belief system, so he simply dismissed it without giving it a second thought. I share with you another fact that one of my trader friends has made winning trades over two consecutive years month after month without a single loss! Have you read it in any books? Did you ever hear about it? No, but it’s true. To change your results you must start from changing your beliefs about the nature of market, your analysis, and risks in trading! Never ask “why” market/price does this or that, it’s even more futile to analyze it to find out “why” or “what does it means?”, you only need to ask yourself how you should respond when market does this or that – long, short, or wait on the sideline.
I met Steve Nison some years ago (he basically introduced candlestick charting to US and wrote several very good books about it), and he told me he didn’t trade at all except teaching seminars and providing commentary and consultation services. (I don’t think Sam Stovall trades too, if you know who he is.) If the “father” of candlesticks can’t make money based on candlestick charts, what’s the chance you will based on candlesticks? Yet when you believe it strong enough, you will keep using it (I am not saying there’s no merit in learning candlestick charts, there is but not in the way most people do). I have heard of people using astrology or moon cycles to trade too, if you laugh at them, you should really take a serious look at your own beliefs and premises about the nature of market. Yours and theirs are the same based only on beliefs, not facts.
I don’t know if you all have read “Market Wizards” about those super successful traders and investors. How many of them have you ever heard about and how many you know have ever written any books about trading? Almost none! So you ought to know that those people you hear on CNBC everyday, those who wrote trading books or blogs every day on web are not necessarily successful traders; in fact 99% of what you read or hear are useless noise, but not if you believe in them. So in reality we don’t trade stocks, we trade our beliefs about those stocks and about our analysis. That’s why market is a mirror - your results directly reflect to you your beliefs and current stage of maturation as a trader, nothing else.
My friend, trading and investing are 95% mental and 5% technical. If you want to win consistently you must shift your focus from analyzing the market to analyzing yourself – you must understand your own belief structure and perceptual bias in “seeing” the market. You must develop the discipline to take small losses until you understand the true nature of the market, by then your execution will be flawless and in sync with the market almost all the time. Otherwise you have no chance to win.
I have said what I need to say and done what I promised myself to, so the floor is all yours. I wish you all the very best! If you have any questions, please contact me at gulee at hotmail dot com, I will be glad to answer them. Have a wonderful weekend!
If you think this story over, you will realize as I did that we all see things within our own belief structure we developed over our lifetime, but that belief structure has many blind spots that distort our perceptions and prevent us from seeing many life's possibilities if those possibilities don’t exist in our belief structure. Just think about your beliefs about America before you arrived here for the first time. How many things we would have never believed possible are indeed real and true right in front of our eyes! Making $1 million dollars in a year is impossible in my friend’s belief system, so making $2 million in one single day is of course insane to him! Yet it's a fact and is real, because I was there to witness it that day!
Then I realized that trading is exactly the same. We all see market differently based on our unique belief structure about how market works – not how it really works. Based on our own unique beliefs each of us “saw” the market differently with mental bias we are not even aware of. This is why at every second of every day there's a battle in the market between people who believe price is going up and people who believe price is going down. No amount of technical or fundamental analysis can explain why there are always two opposite sides to every transaction. If you believe you and your analysis are right, then you are basically saying whoever at the opposite side of your trade is wrong. What makes you so sure about that? Only your belief about your analysis (obviously your opposite side believes just the opposite). This will never change - market works the same way as it did a hundred years ago. If you think your analysis and evaluation can consistently find you winning trades, you are thinking in illusions, my friend! Your blind spots have prevented you from seeing many other real market potentials you believe can’t or don’t exist-think again.
Most people take a risk without being consciously aware of their perceptual bias and their own psychological process (I am talking about what triggers your emotions of greed and fear). They enter a trade when they trust their opinions or analysis enough, but they never take time to ask themselves: if analysis really works and can make them money consistently, all stock analysts and Wall Street ph ds would be billionaires by now.
When someone says that there’s no method with over 70% chance of winning, he is thinking like my friend, because he believed strongly enough about what he read and heard regarding the chance of winning in the stock market. The possibility to win over 70% of the time is not in the realm of his belief system, so he simply dismissed it without giving it a second thought. I share with you another fact that one of my trader friends has made winning trades over two consecutive years month after month without a single loss! Have you read it in any books? Did you ever hear about it? No, but it’s true. To change your results you must start from changing your beliefs about the nature of market, your analysis, and risks in trading! Never ask “why” market/price does this or that, it’s even more futile to analyze it to find out “why” or “what does it means?”, you only need to ask yourself how you should respond when market does this or that – long, short, or wait on the sideline.
I met Steve Nison some years ago (he basically introduced candlestick charting to US and wrote several very good books about it), and he told me he didn’t trade at all except teaching seminars and providing commentary and consultation services. (I don’t think Sam Stovall trades too, if you know who he is.) If the “father” of candlesticks can’t make money based on candlestick charts, what’s the chance you will based on candlesticks? Yet when you believe it strong enough, you will keep using it (I am not saying there’s no merit in learning candlestick charts, there is but not in the way most people do). I have heard of people using astrology or moon cycles to trade too, if you laugh at them, you should really take a serious look at your own beliefs and premises about the nature of market. Yours and theirs are the same based only on beliefs, not facts.
I don’t know if you all have read “Market Wizards” about those super successful traders and investors. How many of them have you ever heard about and how many you know have ever written any books about trading? Almost none! So you ought to know that those people you hear on CNBC everyday, those who wrote trading books or blogs every day on web are not necessarily successful traders; in fact 99% of what you read or hear are useless noise, but not if you believe in them. So in reality we don’t trade stocks, we trade our beliefs about those stocks and about our analysis. That’s why market is a mirror - your results directly reflect to you your beliefs and current stage of maturation as a trader, nothing else.
My friend, trading and investing are 95% mental and 5% technical. If you want to win consistently you must shift your focus from analyzing the market to analyzing yourself – you must understand your own belief structure and perceptual bias in “seeing” the market. You must develop the discipline to take small losses until you understand the true nature of the market, by then your execution will be flawless and in sync with the market almost all the time. Otherwise you have no chance to win.
I have said what I need to say and done what I promised myself to, so the floor is all yours. I wish you all the very best! If you have any questions, please contact me at gulee at hotmail dot com, I will be glad to answer them. Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
期权主要可分为买方期权(Call Option)和卖方期权(Put Option),前者也称为看涨期权或认购期权,后者也称为看空期权或认沽期权。
1.买入买权(Long Call)
2.卖出买权(Short Call)
3.买入卖权(Long Put)
4.卖出卖权(Short Put)
期权主要可分为买方期权(Call Option)和卖方期权(Put Option),前者也称为看涨期权或认购期权,后者也称为看空期权或认沽期权。
1.买入买权(Long Call)
2.卖出买权(Short Call)
3.买入卖权(Long Put)
4.卖出卖权(Short Put)
Sunday, August 14, 2011






昨天,这里举行一年一度的池边烧烤,这是地产公司在社区的一大活动。我本来对这些活动毫无兴趣,只是,最近,因为工作特别紧张,天气又十分炎热,我周末没有回芝加哥。 懒得做饭,也不知道想吃什么,我决定去Party找点东西混口午饭。
昨天,这里举行一年一度的池边烧烤,这是地产公司在社区的一大活动。我本来对这些活动毫无兴趣,只是,最近,因为工作特别紧张,天气又十分炎热,我周末没有回芝加哥。 懒得做饭,也不知道想吃什么,我决定去Party找点东西混口午饭。
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Tim Pawlenty:
On Federal Funding to States:“The federal government is basically a drug dealer trying to give out free samples or give people a taste, get them further addicted.”
On Climate Change:“The weight of the evidence is that most of it, maybe all of it, is because of natural causes.”
On the Debt Ceiling:“I’m opposed to raising the debt limit.”
Mitt Romney:
On Corporations:"Corporations are people, my friend."
Herman Cain:
On the Debt Ceiling:“I don’t believe the debt ceiling has to be raised. Those are scare tactics. Those are simply exaggerated scare tactics.”
Newt Gingrich:
On Voting Rights:"Candidly, it wouldn’t be bad to have an American history test for young Americans before they start voting."
Michele Bachmann:
On Wages:"Literally, if we took away the minimum wage... we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level."
On Medicare & Social Security:“What you have to do is keep faith with the people that are already in the system… But basically what we have to do is wean everybody else off.”
On Climate Change:"There isn’t even one study that can be produced that shows carbon dioxide is a harmful gas."
On Federal Funding to States:“The federal government is basically a drug dealer trying to give out free samples or give people a taste, get them further addicted.”
On Climate Change:“The weight of the evidence is that most of it, maybe all of it, is because of natural causes.”
On the Debt Ceiling:“I’m opposed to raising the debt limit.”
Mitt Romney:
On Corporations:"Corporations are people, my friend."
Herman Cain:
On the Debt Ceiling:“I don’t believe the debt ceiling has to be raised. Those are scare tactics. Those are simply exaggerated scare tactics.”
Newt Gingrich:
On Voting Rights:"Candidly, it wouldn’t be bad to have an American history test for young Americans before they start voting."
Michele Bachmann:
On Wages:"Literally, if we took away the minimum wage... we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level."
On Medicare & Social Security:“What you have to do is keep faith with the people that are already in the system… But basically what we have to do is wean everybody else off.”
On Climate Change:"There isn’t even one study that can be produced that shows carbon dioxide is a harmful gas."
Monday, August 8, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Mount Rushmore National Memorial,也就是总统山上,有四座高达60英尺(约合18米)的美国历史上著名的前总统头像,他们分别是华盛顿、杰斐逊、老罗斯福和林肯,这四位总统被认为代表了美国建国150年来的历史。罗斯福是拉什莫尔山上唯一的20世纪总统。学者们普遍认为他是现代美国的塑造者。历史学者评论美国总统时,他总在最出色的五位之中。

1880年代,罗斯福作为历史学家成就辉煌。他的著作《1812年战争中的海战》(The Naval War of 1812)成为两代人的教科书。关于西部开发史的四卷大部头著作The Winning of the West也是其代表作,对史学史有重要影响。他为主流杂志撰稿,收入颇丰,也使他作为知识分子而闻名海内。后来,罗斯福当选为美国历史学会(American Historical Association)主席。
20世纪初,铁路被视为强大的力量。罗斯福认为政府应加强对铁路运输和跨州贸易的监管和规范,使国会于1906年通过了《赫本法案》(Hepburn Act),授权州际贸易委员会(Interstate Commerce Commission)设置铁路运费上限,同时也禁止铁路公司为关系公司免费运输货物。当时无人预料到未来蓬勃的汽车运输业对铁路的挑战,该法案对消费者和商业企业提供了一定程度的保护。同年,他还促使国会通过《食品和药物纯净法案》(Pure Food and Drug Act)和《肉类产品监督法案》(Meat Inspection Act),对养畜和肉类加工企业进行稽查和实施强制卫生标准。国会修正了该法案,以免小型屠宰场的不合卫生标准的产品损害出口和国内市场。
罗斯福是第一位对环境保护有长远考量的总统,在猎人和渔民阶层获得了广泛支持。1904年3月14日,他在佛罗里达设立了第一个国家鸟类保护区,也是野生动物庇护系统的雏形。1905年,他敦促国会成立美国林业服务局,管理国有森林和土地。罗斯福设立的国家公园和自然保护区面积比其所有前任所设总和还多,共1亿9千4百万英亩,举世闻名的大峡谷国家公园就是其中之一。他常给《户外生活》(Outdoor life)杂志撰稿,昭示自然保护理念和报告国家公园进展。他在一篇文章中写道:“我们的发展与永久性财富的资源保护有密切的关系。”他并非极端环保主义者,认为自然资源应有效地使用,避免浪费。1906年,罗斯福在白宫召集全国州长会议,讨论对于水、森林和其他自然资源的有效规划、分析和使用问题。

1880年,罗斯福与银行家的女儿爱丽丝·海瑟薇·李(Alice Hathaway Lee)结婚。4年后,爱丽丝生下一个女婴,但不幸于产后两天去世;同日,罗斯福的母亲也去世了。从此他不再提起第一个妻子。他将女儿委托给大姐抚养,自己跑到达科他过起了放牧生活。在北达科他的牧场,罗斯福学会了骑马等牛仔技能。闲暇时他参加拳击赛。有一段时间,他担任了代理警长,追捕盗窃犯。1886到1887严寒的冬季灭绝了牧场的牲口,于是他被迫返回东部。
She was beautiful in face and form, and lovelier still in spirit; As a flower she grew, and as a fair young flower she died. Her life had been always in the sunshine; there had never come to her a single sorrow; and none ever knew her who did not love and revere her for the bright, sunny temper and her saintly unselfishness. Fair, pure, and joyous as a maiden; loving , tender, and happy. As a young wife; when she had just become a mother, when her life seemed to be just begun, and when the years seemed so bright before her—then, by a strange and terrible fate, death came to her. And when my heart’s dearest died, the light went from my life forever.
Richard Nixon made reference to these comments upon his resignation for the presidency in 1974. Paying tribute to Roosevelt and his inner courage, he remarked that "only when you have been in the deepest valley can you know how magnificent it is to reach the highest mountain".

The Roosevelts had one daughter:
罗斯福的女儿爱丽丝·罗斯福·隆沃思(Alice Roosevelt Longworth)是一位个性鲜明、颇受非议的人物。朋友们有时劝他管束自己的女儿,他却说:“我可以当美国总统,也可以管好爱丽丝,但实在无法同时做两件事。”有其父必有其女,爱丽丝刻薄地形容她老爹爱出风头,“恨不得在每一场婚礼上作新郎,每一场葬礼上作尸首”。
Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884–1980). According to a number of historians, Roosevelt's need to leave behind or suppress his experiences with his first wife were a source of deep resentment by his daughter. She was unable to get him to talk about her mother in any meaningful way. Her rebellious life finds some explanation in this sad aspect of her relationship with her father.
In the immediate aftermath of his wife's death, Theodore turned the care of their newly-born infant daughter to his elder sister Anna, also known as Bamie, and embarked on a journey of personal discovery to his ranch in the Badlands of North Dakota. From this interlude Roosevelt would emerge a renewed man and would go on to the Presidency of the United States in 1901.
比如,林从去年底被layoff后,至今还没找到工作。 老大今年大学毕业,找到工作了。老二今年上大学,还上西北,借钱,老三还小,太太从来不上班。据说当时结婚时就说了,结了婚我就不上班,行不行?
可是人生就是这样脆弱。 我们生在一个朝不保夕的国家,一个只有金钱才是万能的社会。上帝真的能给你信心吗?
比如,林从去年底被layoff后,至今还没找到工作。 老大今年大学毕业,找到工作了。老二今年上大学,还上西北,借钱,老三还小,太太从来不上班。据说当时结婚时就说了,结了婚我就不上班,行不行?
可是人生就是这样脆弱。 我们生在一个朝不保夕的国家,一个只有金钱才是万能的社会。上帝真的能给你信心吗?
The Jungle

Upton Beall Sinclair Jr. (September 20, 1878 – November 25, 1968), was an American author who wrote close to 100 books in many genres. He achieved popularity in the first half of the 20th century, acquiring particular fame for his 1906 muckraking novel The Jungle. It exposed conditions in the U.S. meat packing industry, causing a public uproar that contributed in part to the passage a few months later of the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act. Time magazine called him "a man with every gift except humor and silence.“
芝加哥是当年的屠宰业中心。挨着海德园就Back of the Yards:
Back of the Yards is an industrial and residential neighborhood so named because it was near the former Union Stock Yards. Life in this neighborhood, which was famously organized by Saul Alinsky in the 1930s, is profiled in Upton Sinclair's 1906 novel The Jungle. The area was formerly the town of Lake until it was annexed by Chicago in 1889. The area was once an Eastern European, predominantly Polish, neighborhood.
The Jungle is a 1906 novel written by muckraking journalist Upton Sinclair. Sinclair wrote the novel to portray the life of the immigrant in the United States, but readers were more concerned with the large portion pertaining to the corruption of the American meatpacking industry during the early-20th century, and the book is now often interpreted and taught as only an exposure of the industry of meatpacking. This was not Sinclair's intention for the book though and not what he would have liked it to be famous for. The novel depicts in harsh tones poverty, absence of social programs, unpleasant living and working conditions, and hopelessness prevalent among the working class, which is contrasted with the deeply-rooted corruption on the part of those in power. Sinclair's observations of the state of turn-of-the-century labor were placed front and center for the American public to see, suggesting that something needed to be changed to get rid of American wage slavery.
Thursday, August 4, 2011

1968年,希拉里还在Wellesley College时,认识了一个叫Saul Alinsky的人。
Saul David Alinsky (January 30, 1909 – June 12, 1972) was an American community organizer and writer. He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing, and has been compared in Playboy magazine to Thomas Paine as being "one of the great American leaders of the nonsocialist left."[1] He is often noted for his book Rules for Radicals.
Not at any time. I've never joined any organization—not even the ones I've organized myself. I prize my own independence too much. And philosophically, I could never accept any rigid dogma or ideology, whether it's Christianity or Marxism. One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're right.' If you don't have that, if you think you've got an inside track to absolute truth, you become doctrinaire, humorless and intellectually constipated. The greatest crimes in history have been perpetrated by such religious and political and racial fanatics, from the persecutions of the Inquisition on down to Communist purges and Nazi genocide.
16年后,奥巴马大学毕业后,从纽约来到芝加哥,成为一个芝加哥南部的community organizer,这恰恰是当年希拉里想做却又没做的工作。
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
今天,大概是奥巴马最窝囊的一天了。很多左翼对他很失望,认为他对共和党屈膝。其实,他是有软肋的,他的后脚踵就是Job。 当共和党要filibuster他的刺激经济的议案时,他用延缓增税来换取,而他内心也惧怕过高的赤字会降低美国的信用。有人说,他不敢像Bill Clinton 一样用14th amendment option, 那是因为最终是民主党送提案(参议院还是民主党的),而不是克林顿时代是共和党的议院,他不能砍杀自己党的议案吧!奥巴马太rational,做不来crazy的事情。不过,像他这种性格,肯定是政治斗争的牺牲品。
Monday, August 1, 2011
可是,他也过于软弱了。而且,他是不是 too nice, too smart, too realistic? 这些共和党简直是在欺负他。
You Are Not One Of Them
他从哈佛毕业后,在纽约工作了一年。他的第一个老板说,他一直认为奥巴马会成为一个作家,他的身上有一种挥之不去的sense of loneness。 这是他最打动我的地方,我经常能从他的眼睛里看到这种了loneness,尤其是最近。
说实话,我蛮喜欢John Boehner。俄亥俄算是我美国的重生之地,John Boehner是那里的议员,其实他出身非常贫苦,家里很多兄弟,大多数都是蓝领。可以理解为什么他是共和党。这是一个典型的美国中部人,保守,勤劳,相信美国梦。只是,这个梦已经破碎。
可是,他也过于软弱了。而且,他是不是 too nice, too smart, too realistic? 这些共和党简直是在欺负他。
You Are Not One Of Them
他从哈佛毕业后,在纽约工作了一年。他的第一个老板说,他一直认为奥巴马会成为一个作家,他的身上有一种挥之不去的sense of loneness。 这是他最打动我的地方,我经常能从他的眼睛里看到这种了loneness,尤其是最近。
说实话,我蛮喜欢John Boehner。俄亥俄算是我美国的重生之地,John Boehner是那里的议员,其实他出身非常贫苦,家里很多兄弟,大多数都是蓝领。可以理解为什么他是共和党。这是一个典型的美国中部人,保守,勤劳,相信美国梦。只是,这个梦已经破碎。
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