Friday, August 23, 2013

Don Giorgio----Georg Gänswein

I felt to be as dry as work in a quarry where there's no beer — you die of dryness.

我对天主教的兴趣来源于小时候读的小说<牛虻>---The Gadfly。“牛虻”一词源出希腊神话,天后赫拉嫉妒丈夫宙斯爱上了少女安娥,放出牛虻来日夜追逐已化为牛的安娥,使得她几乎发疯。后来希腊哲学家苏格拉底把自己比喻为牛虻,说自己甘冒天下之大不韪,对当时社会的弊端实行针砭,即使自己为此而死也在所不惜。


我去意大利,最喜欢的就是教堂里的忏悔小屋,大概也是来自<牛虻> 里的情节。神甫坐在帘子里面,人们跪在外面忏悔。


我不是天主教徒, 对基督教失望后,我不愿意轻易的成为圈中的人,只做一个观望者。可是我热爱梵蒂冈,那里是人类文化思想艺术文明的摇篮和首都。

因为太喜欢保罗二世了,我对荣修教宗Benedikt XVI 不太注意,直到最近看到他的秘书-Georg G□swein 的故事。

这个紫衣大主教太年轻英俊了,以至于意大利最有名的时装设计师以他为灵感设计时装。他是一个德国乡村铁匠的孩子,慕尼黑大学神学博士。被Benedikt XVI 选为秘书,Benedikt XVI 退休,进了修道院,他也跟着去了。
Almost became a monk 
And what holds their interest is this – Gänswein is cool. Because he’s so exceptionally good-looking. Because of the effortless way he skis and plays tennis. Because he always looked so smooth dealing with Benedict’s visitors: Gänswein with German soccer great Franz Beckenbauer, Gänswein with Obama, Gänswein with Merkel. His blue eyes, salt-and-pepper hair, and elegant body inspired Italian fashion designer Donatella Versace to design a menswear collection after him. The Jan. 2013 issue of the Italian Vanity Fair features his face on the cover and the words: “It’s not a sin to be gorgeous.”
Brain says: I remember this guy. I believe me and my friends were making some jokes about him being the Pope's boy! lol.

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