黑暗不能驱除黑暗,只有光明可以做到;仇恨不能驱除仇恨,只有爱可以做到。 (Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.)
麦可·杰克森的歌“They Don't Care About Us”:
Some things in life they just don't want to see(有些事情是他们不想看到的)
But if Martin Luther was living(如果马丁·路德还活着的话)
He wouldn't let this be(他不会让这件事情发生的)...
今天在看《The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama》,里面讲马丁.路德.金的几段话非常好,非常准确:这里用黑人教会和在埃及的犹太人,金和摩西做比较:
From the early black church through the civil-rights movement, preachers used the trope of Moses and Joshua as a parable of struggle and liberation, making the explict comparison between the Jewish slaves in Pharaoh's Egypt and the black American slaves on Southern plantations. In Moses, Man of the Mountain, Zora Neale Hurston wrote of a fictional Moses who was a figure of both authority and confrontation before the forbidding pharaoh. When Hurston's Moses wins the liberty of the Israelites,he prefigures another Mosaic figure, Martin Luther King.Jr, and cry goes up, "Free at least! Free at least! Thank God Almighty, I'am free at last!" God's promise to the "children of Isreal" was, in the terms of preachers like King,like the promise of equality inscribed in the Declaration of Independence and the Emancipation Proclamation, King asserted his role as the Moses-like standard-bearer for the millions of black men and wpmen "who dreamed that someday they might be able to cross the Red Sea of injustice and find their way to the promised land of integration and freedom." And, as everyone in Brown Chapel knew, King, like Moses, had failed to complete his mission. Indeed, King had had a premonition of his own martyrdom:
I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up tp the mountain. And I've looked over, and I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land.