Tuesday, July 12, 2011


新闻集团(News Corp)董事长鲁珀特・默多克(Rupert Murdoch)大势已去。他旗下总部位于伦敦的子公司新闻国际(News International)正因涉嫌窃听电话和贿赂警官而接受刑事调查。



话说邓小姐当年当了莫老头的小三,心狠手辣,武艺高强,愣是使得莫老头休了二奶Anna Maria Torv,娶了她。二奶Anna Maria Torv当年也和邓小姐来路差不多,抢了莫大奶的职位。一报还一报,今天,她绊倒在徐州丫头的脚下。

二奶为莫老头生了一个女儿,两个儿子。 这女儿,极其不简单,从小就继承了老爹的天才,对新闻事业很有办法。

Elisabeth Murdoch attended exclusive schools in New York City, at one of which, in true Murdoch tradition, she set up an on-campus television station as a student project. Her two younger brothers, Lachlan Murdoch (born in London on 8 September 1971), and James Murdoch (born in Wimbledon, London on 13 December 1972), were reportedly groomed from early ages to play key roles in their father's enterprises.

After graduating from Vassar College, she became manager of program acquisitions at her father's FX Networks, a cable television service based in Los Angeles. Operating as EP Communications, on 22 September 1994 Murdoch and her then husband, Elkin Kwesi Pianim, purchased a pair of NBC-affiliate television stations, KSBW and KSBY, in California on a $35 million loan secured by her father. Within 18 months, the couple re-organised and re-sold the stations at a $12 million profit.

当莫小姐怀着第一个丈夫的第二个孩子的时候,她开始和Matthew Freud约会,后来索性就嫁给了他,他成了她的第二个丈夫。

这Matthew Freud何许人也?

Freud is the son of June Flewett and the late writer Sir Clement Freud, his sister is television interviewer Emma Freud. His great-grandfather is Sigmund Freud and he is doubly related to the 'father' of public relations, Edward Bernays, whose father was Sigmund Freud's brother-in-law (the brother of Sigmund Freud's wife) and whose mother was Sigmund Freud's sister. He is the nephew of artist Lucian Freud and (by former marriage) of the late writer Lady Caroline Blackwood, and his cousins include fashion designer Bella Freud, novelists Susie Boyt and Esther Freud.


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