Sunday, September 13, 2015



一直是James Carroll的粉丝。和Erik Larson 一样,他们都是那种冷隽,清晰,却又诗意柔软的历史学家和记者。而他们的作品是既可当历史,又可以当文学来读的。而且多产,每一本书都是高质量。读了他们的书,我才发现我真正想往的人生其实是当作家,写这样的书。

James Carroll, “one of the most adept and versatile writers on the American scene today” (Denver Post)。

抄一段James Carroll的文字:

And I rememberd the mother of Jesus, on whom, alone of all the figures, my eyes found it possible to rest. She was a pretty gril whose stoic passivity---her head unmoving, held at that famous angle, even as she strode through the press of that Via Dolorosa---seems very sensual to me. Subliminally, as with the Virgin of Michelangelo's pieta, she was less a mother than a figure of thwarted desire, which was why, throughout my youth, her virginity underwrote my own. In the Mary of the sorroeful mysteries, spirituality and sensuality were not at war. In her, the word "passion" could slyly open to its other meaning.

我读的第一本他的书是《Constantine’s Sword-----The Church and the Jews》。这本书可以当诗来读,他full of passion。 他写的在奥斯维辛集中营的联想使我最喜欢的部分。Holocaust 在希腊文里是“烧焦了的献祭”, 按照基督教的教义,救赎是要通过死来实现的,这就是耶稣受难的全部意义,而犹太人把耶稣送上了十字架,德国人是一个忠心的民族,纳粹的思想是建立在基督教的基础上, 所以,大部分的纳粹党徒是基督徒,天主教徒。正是他们,觉得杀害犹太人是正义的事业。当保罗二世称奥斯维辛集中营为“现代各各他”时,也就是把犹太人当成了人类的献祭。 如果耶稣也死在这里,他也就是一个胳膊上有个号码的犹太人而已。

他原来是个天主教的神父,后来,因为怀疑和不安,不再做神父, 写了很多宗教历史的书。这本书是从基督教的教义和历史来探讨为什麽会发生对犹太人的迫害。这是一段非常黑暗的历史,反犹的根源是基督教的教义,这和当年的十字军东征是一脉相连的。

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