沈睿同学的小侄子(外甥)要沈睿同学给他买Lego做新年礼物。小人家很有品味,一眼看中了最贵的LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT 2.0机器人。沈睿同学因为不喜欢做一个“出人头地”成功的人,只想一天到晚喝粥,吃大白菜饺子(还都很瘪),写博格,所以面对这样“成功”的侄子,有点发怵,就想起了七月。
大概这个世界上成功的人很多,这个模型总是一抢而空。七月依仗特权,今天终于从库房里拿到了这个模型(还是中国新年)。。。周末给小侄子寄去 :-)
It is soooo haaaarrrrrd to get it. You cannot even imagine how hard to get one. I still feel it is outrageously expensive, but well your advertisement is quite convincing. Maybe it is worthy. I boasted to him that I have a friend working at the headquarter of the LEGO in Decemenber. He called and asked me last week: Is your friend still working there? I laughed.
Thank you so much. I look forward to hearing your beautiful voice this weekend.
Can I get one too?:) Happy New Year of Rabbit!
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