Wednesday, August 8, 2007

《Constantine’s Sword-----The Church and the Jews》(4)



And I rememberd the mother of Jesus, on whom, alone of all the figures, my eyes found it possible to rest. She was a pretty gril whose stoic passivity---her head unmoving, held at that famous angle, even as she strode through the press of that Via Dolorosa---seems very sensual to me. Subliminally, as with the Virgin of Michelangelo's pieta, she was less a mother than a figure of thwarted desire, which was why, throughout my youth, her virginity underwrote my own. In the Mary of the sorroeful mysteries, spirituality and sensuality were not at war. In her, the word "passion" could slyly open to its other meaning.

我在梵蒂冈圣彼得大教堂看到米开朗基罗的《圣子与圣母》, 圣母年轻美丽光洁的脸庞,天鹅绒般细腻的肌肤,皙白柔润的脖颈,悲哀地抱着耶稣, 他们不像是母子,更像是情侣,朱丽叶抱着死去了的罗密欧。

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