Sunday, June 20, 2010




记得第一次读爱默生的“自然”,感动地竟然流下眼泪, 我心里想到的,感受到的,却无法说出的,都让爱默生写得如此透澈。 爱默生说过:” In the wood we return to reason and faith, I feel that nothing can befall me in life, no disgrace, no calamity which nature can't repair"

我走到海拔八千多尺的地方, 白雪覆盖了山路,要用特殊的鞋才能走到summit, 我就停下了,那时头有点儿晕, 可能没睡好的原故, 寄个slide 给你看看六月雪。

自然中,我寻找到一种core, 本真的人性, 和我心里暗合的一种, 我想我们的DNA里一定有前世留下的记忆,在丛林中奔跑,在大地上酣睡,在星空下拥抱,山风拂过肌肤的作爱, 美好,自然,野性,荒凉,不确定和未知。“"Full communication with nature is unexpected momentary enlightening yet indescribable and risky, endangering one's identity" 。


东东 said...


I am so happy we shared the passion for nature, and feel the same way about nature.

I post the letter in cafe as part of my hike blog.

I think, I always search for core and essence of my exsitence, And the nature often strike a core with me.

In Lassen, we are much closer to the sky. When I look at the deep blue dark sky at night, Stars seems very close to me as If I want to touch them, I could. I wanted to melt into the sky and earth, becoming one with nature, and at that moment, everything fading into distance, just sky, the mountain breeze and the earth , and myself. it is just the same feeling of wanted to become part of feeling, part of vibe in the air, part of being that with trees. And Like I said, even plants share part of same DNA with us, All things in nature in the core become one, they speak to each other and reveal their secrets to whoever open hearts to them.

鹿希 said...

羡慕啊,有山爬,有友情可以诉衷肠,可以一块炸油饼。 你去的南湾在哪儿?最近被石油染黑的那一带吗?我最近可是累死了,忙死了,头都大了。。。


July said...

