Sunday, June 27, 2010








东东 said...


Happiness is over rated. Stop worrying about being a happy woman, I keep telling myself, just live day by day, do things I have to do , and also strive to do things I am loving to do. That is it.

I have few passage about working and why we need to work from Kierkegaard "either/or". I will share with you while I get time to type it.

东东 said...

Hi, here you go, from 17世纪的文章:
it must be regarded as imperfection on the part of existence that man did not need to work. the low the scale of human life, the less evident is the necessity of working; the higher the scale, the more evident it is.The duty of working in order to live is universal -human. and it express universal also in another sense because it express freedom.It is precisely by working that man makes himself free, by working he become lord over nature, by working he shows he is higher than nature.

Or might life lose its beauty for the fact that a man must work in order to live.? We are back at the same old point: everything depends upon what one understand by beauty, it is beautiful to see the lilies of the field(though they sew not neither do they spinI so clothed that even solomon in all his glory as not so magnificent.It is beautiful to see the birds without anxiety finding their food: it is beautiful to see Adma and Eve in Paradise where they could get eveythign they pointed at: But it is still ore beautiful to see a man who is, as it were, his own providence. Man is great, greater than any other creature, for the fact that he can provide for himself. It is beautiful to see a man possessing an affluence which himself has earned, but it is also beautiful to see a man doing the till greater trick of transforming little into much, it is an expression of man's perfection that he can work, it is still higher expression for it that he must.

July said...

现在我们生活中的大部分是extra,每个人住多少平方米?电视功能多的我都不会用。。。我没有时间去田野里,甚至没时间好好吃一顿早饭(除了这些在家的日子)。。。我想想我生活中的必需是:一间美丽的小房子,一台计算机,几个孩子,自己种菜。。。我很愿意工作,但不要让我受气,不要神经兮兮。。。简单说,是一种平衡和平安。。。可惜,现在这些都做不到。。。这个社会像一个怪物,把人都逼迫的也像怪物。。。我小资吗?在现实里,我简直是个孙二娘 :-)

鹿希 said...


我也要回家休假了,看年迈的爹娘,除此之外想不出别的理由。房子是别人修的,我出钱,找罪受,要是有你的一点点本事就好了,装修is not my cup of tea!

草医雅兴好,啥时来欧洲,我陪你去爬阿尔卑斯山,但有言在先,不许一个人只顾上瘾往上爬,然后帐篷底下吟诗怀情,得照顾我这假hiker 的速度。:-) 对了, 到时得背上小乖炸的油饼充饥。

小乖 said...

七妹妹这里一切都会好起来,我很有信心。到时我们一起去爬山过河。鹿希妹子没请我们(呜呜),we invite ourselves:) 厨娘的角色我来扮,油饼会有的,豆浆也会有的!

东东 said...

我老人家在西雅图哈, 大夏天冷得发抖, 临时买了sweat shirt 穿。

鹿希, 一言为定, 等儿子上大学了, 咱就自由了, 一定到处爬山去,july, 小乖也来。
要睡了, 明儿到mount Rainier。

小乖 said...


那年夏天我去Mount Rainier,山上白雪皑皑。

东东 said...

哎, 太早去了, 要八月, Mount Rainier 的有些湖才解冻, 我去reflection lake still frozen。

还有Paradise的wild flowers 都还没开。


小乖 said...

不好意思,草叶,朋友刚刚给我餐馆的名字,还没给地址:( 叫Chengdu Chinese Buffet 蓉园

小雨 said...

神爱世人,但是神偏爱你多一些。你说的那些“巨大的”压力可真的不算压力,那只是人生的必然经历。enjoy 神赐你的一切,不要让自己那么疲劳。:))