那本“Knopf Guides”的 Quebec简直美得惊艳,是诗配画啊。
北极熊在冰上猎物,在那里,他们会几个小时守候在一个冰窟窿边呼吸。 他们还是了不起的游泳健将。
Polar Bear: Polar bears hunt on the ice, where they may spend hours waiting by a hole for a seal to surface for breath. They are also excellent swimmers.
这是一种茂盛生长在潮湿土壤里的, 开着毛茸茸小白花的植物。
Narrow-Leaved cotton grass: A plant with fluffy white flowers that thrives in damp soil.
这种鸟栖息在柳枝丛里。 长满了羽毛的脚爪可帮他们抗御严寒。
Willow Ptarmigan: This bird lives among the dwarf willows. Feathered feet help protect it from cold.
灰柏喜欢沙石地。 它的果实只有在熊熊大火里才会裂开。
Gray Pine: It favors sandy or shingly ground. Its cones only open if exposed to the intense heat of fire.
粉虾 是无性别的。他们出生时是男性,大概三岁左右,变成了女性。他们用来作鱼饵, 和螃蟹相反,女性的粉虾更好吃。
Pink Shrimps are hermaphrodite. They are born male and metamorphose to female at about three years old. They are fished with net and, in contrast to crabs, its preferable to eat the females.
Maple sugar, maple candy
Maple syrup sure is dandy.
啊啊啊,我要把这本书给我的两个evil super boys :-), 这些美丽的生物比留着山羊胡子的东郭先生和黑旋风李逵要可爱许多 :-)
北极熊在冰上猎物,在那里,他们会几个小时守候在一个冰窟窿边呼吸。 他们还是了不起的游泳健将。
Polar Bear: Polar bears hunt on the ice, where they may spend hours waiting by a hole for a seal to surface for breath. They are also excellent swimmers.
这是一种茂盛生长在潮湿土壤里的, 开着毛茸茸小白花的植物。
Narrow-Leaved cotton grass: A plant with fluffy white flowers that thrives in damp soil.
这种鸟栖息在柳枝丛里。 长满了羽毛的脚爪可帮他们抗御严寒。
Willow Ptarmigan: This bird lives among the dwarf willows. Feathered feet help protect it from cold.
灰柏喜欢沙石地。 它的果实只有在熊熊大火里才会裂开。
Gray Pine: It favors sandy or shingly ground. Its cones only open if exposed to the intense heat of fire.
粉虾 是无性别的。他们出生时是男性,大概三岁左右,变成了女性。他们用来作鱼饵, 和螃蟹相反,女性的粉虾更好吃。
Pink Shrimps are hermaphrodite. They are born male and metamorphose to female at about three years old. They are fished with net and, in contrast to crabs, its preferable to eat the females.
Maple sugar, maple candy
Maple syrup sure is dandy.
啊啊啊,我要把这本书给我的两个evil super boys :-), 这些美丽的生物比留着山羊胡子的东郭先生和黑旋风李逵要可爱许多 :-)
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